

With the fast development and popularity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the Internet of Things (IoT), there has been a boom in spatial data in recent years. Such data flow with large volume, high velocity and big variety is becoming a hotspot for urban studies and planning research (Batty, 2012; Geertman et al., 2017). The multisource new data environment differentiates itself from conventional census and survey data with its high resolution, wide coverage and timeliness, which opens up vast opportunities for the study of spatial dynamics and Planning Support Science. Planning Support Science will therefore see the enhancement of its action, efficiency levels and scope by having access to quasi-immediate dynamics with the availability of quasi-live and live data. In addition, Planning Support Science will be able to seamlessly act in quasi-real time, complementing global and disaggregated data with very local and regional scale data and dynamics and allowing the decision maker and the Planning Support Science expert to operate with a specific portfolio of actions with increasing levels of confidence.

Handbook on Planning Support Science. Edward Elgar Publishers. Geertman, S. and Stillwell, J. (Ed).
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英国剑桥大学土地经济系副研究员,欧盟Horizon 2020资助项目Emotional Cities空间分析研究员。主要研究兴趣包括城市大数据挖掘、空间数据科学、地理可视化、城市感知和城市动态模拟,特别是关注如何通过结合机器学习、人工智能和城市大数据来更好地支持城市规划、政策制定和智能管理。